Rawbots Wiki
Connections 1
Mass 1
Dimensions 1x1x1.5
Restitution 0.5
Friction 1

(Inherits from bot part)

Used to provide thrust for bots operating in water. Hydro jets will not operate outside water. For the non-aquatic version, see jet.

Input/Output Description Data Type
>thrust Force that the jet will create decimal


For positive valeus of >thrust, a proportional force will be exerted along the central axis of the jet. Negative thrust values will be ignored. Visually, jets will expell a short trail of bubbles, the size of which is dependent on the thrust value.

The most common use for jets is to provide forward thrust for water bots. In combination with a PID-control-system, they can also be used instead of floaters, because they also will balance the bot and allow to go underwater with ease.

Typicallly, thrust values in the order of 100s are used for propulsion is small to medium bots, but exact thrust values and numbers of jets required are highly situational.

Jets can also be used with lower thrust values to provide control over orientation and heading of submarine bots.
