Rawbots Wiki

Colors in Rawbots are defined by using HTML color codes. Simply put, these codes are hexadecimal RGB values.

A color in the RGB color model is described by indicating how much of each of the red, green, and blue is included.


The more common way is to use integer numbers in the range 0 to 255 for each color component. For example (255,0,0) would be red.

A hexadecimal color code represents the same range for each color component with hexadecimal values.

(#) Red(00-FF) Green(00-FF) Blue(00-FF)

Decimal  ->  Hexadecimal[]

  • Powers of 10  ->  Powers of 16
  • 10 symbols per digit (0, 1 , 2 ... 9)  ->  16 symbols per digit (0, 1 ... 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F)
  • 75  ->  4B
  • 7 x 101 + 5 x 100  ->  4 x 161 + B x 160
  • 7 x 10 + 5 x 1  ->  4 x 16 + 11 x 1
  • 70 + 5  ->  64 + 11
  • (74,0,0)  ->  #4B0000

Basic Colors[]

Colours Rawbots
  • Black: #000000
  • White: #FFFFFF
  • Blue: #0000FF
  • Yellow: #FFFF00
  • Red: #FF0000
  • Green: #00FF00
  • Pink: #FF00FF
  • Cyan: #00FFFF